Rags to Riches: My Thug Angel Page 12
“Boy, bye. Where is Rayna? I’m ret-ta-go,” I said in a drunken slur.
“She left with Ace. I rode with him so I’m driving Rayna’s car back. I’ll take you home. Let’s go.”
I rolled my eyes and walked to Rayna’s car. I got in the passenger’s seat and put my head against the window, falling asleep.
I woke up and noticed I wasn’t in the bed in Rayna’s guest room. I looked around and noticed that I was in the bed Kendrick and I once shared. I looked at the clock and it read 4:00am. I was in a big T-shirt that I didn’t remember changing into, and as much as I wanted to get up and make a fuss, I was too drunk so I went back to sleep. He wasn’t in the bed anyways, so I was good.
Chapter 20
“Yo, Slick, we gotta meet up with this new connect today,” I said, looking at Slick from across the table. We were at Longhorn discussing some things when I remembered we had a meeting later.
“Oh yeah, I forgot. What’s that nigga name again?”
“I’on know his full name but the nigga said his name was Kay, or some shit. My dad used to move work for his dad and this shit the truth.”
“We just switched connects. Though.”
“Yea, I know but this nigga got better shit than who we cop from now. We can real deal take over this whole state with this shit.”
“How you gone get outta the deal with ole boy we cop from now?”
“It’s already done, my boy.”
“Oooooh shit, big Rowland,” Slick said, laughing.
I swear this man was so fucking goofy. We ended the conversation, got in our cars and headed to meet our new connect.
Slick and I walked into a mansion about 30 minutes outside of town and were directed to an office where we were searched.
“Ya’ll can’t go in there strapped,” the security guard said, looking at Slick and me.
“Nigga, please,” I heard Slick say before he brushed past him and into the office.
“That damn Slick,” I said to myself before following him into the office. I looked up and saw this nigga who looked like he was some kinda Hispanic and black. He walked up to us.
“And whom do I have the pleasure of meeting with today?” he said.
“I’m Ace and this is my partner Slick.”
“Wassup, fellas? What can I do you for?”
“What’s your name?” I asked him.
“Kay,” he shot back.
“Well, Kay, as we all know, you’re not a lawyer or a damn judge so why else would we be meeting with you? Cut the shit, I don’t like to do too much talking,” I said, hearing Slick chuckle.
Kay leaned forward on his desk. “Who the fuck you talkin to, nigga?”
“I’m obviously talking to yo ass. Now are we gonna do business or what, cause I ain’t got all day.”
He stared at me for another minute. usually it was Slick who did all this cussing people out and shit but he was testing my patience. “You real brave coming up in my shit talking to me crazy.”
I shrugged my shoulders. “Well.”
he pulled a gun out and aimed it for my head and I didn’t even flinch because Slick was one step ahead of him and had his gun at Kay’s temple. I chuckled. He put his gun down.
“Ya’ll niggas quick on ya feet and bout this business shit. I like ya’ll, so let's do business,” he said sitting back down.
After negotiating some prices, we finally came to an agreement that was about to make us all much richer.
“Man, I told you this was gonna be a better deal and this shit way stronger than what we were getting before.”
“Yeah, you right. but it’s something off about that nigga, man,” Slick said, shaking his head, which worried me cause Slick’s ass was always right when it came to reading people.
“Well, all I know is he bet not fuck with us. Ain’t nobody scared of that nigga.”
“True shit”
“What you gon do bout Gena, man?”
“I’on know, dawg. It seems like she really done with a nigga, but you know I ain’t havin that shit. I gotta go to my house so she can bring me Kenyah for a while. She still ain’t told a nigga where she stay but you know China hit me up with her address yesterday so imma pop up on her ass one of these days.”
“So you still fuckin with that China bitch?” I asked.
“Nah, bruh. that’s dead. She still want a nigga but I can’t leave Gena and Kenyah.”
“Good choice cause China done been round the way and she definitely ain’t nothin compared to my sis.”
“You right. Imma have to do something big to get Gena back.”
“I coulda told you that, nigga. Get gone. Bae!” I called over the intercom.
“I’m in the theatre room!”
I walked in the theatre just to see her dying laughing at this nigga Pat D Lucky’s videos on Instagram. “Bruh, I’m so tired of seeing this man videos. You watch his ass every day.”
“Cause, babe, he is so funny, and he got these sister characters named K.O. and Brittney and OH MY GOSH, they are hilarious.”
“Yeah, I bet.”
She chucked. “Well, how was your day?”
“Successful, how about yours? And where is my daughter?”
“Yo mama and daddy took her to the park for a picnic, and my day was good, too. Gena and I got calls back from the same hospital offering us nursing jobs, and they also said we will get a pay raise after we obtain our bachelor's degree. The higher the degree, the higher pay.”
“Well, that’s great, baby. You know I don’t want you working but I’m glad that you’re following your dreams.”
“Yeah, I wouldn’t be happy if I didn’t, and plus, I want to set a good example for Ahleya and our other children that we will have one day. I’m not gonna sit around and spend up all your money.”
“You act like I have a problem with taking care of you.”
“I know you don’t, but I wanna take care of myself. What if you decide to leave me one day? Then what? I don’t know about you but where I’m from, good things never last forever.”
“You just love to fuck up a moment,” I said, getting up and chuckling at her bluntness. “You real, though, and that’s why our good thing gone last forever.”
“I think we should have a cookout for our family and friends. You know, things to remember. Ahleya and Kenyah need to be surrounded by fun and happy times” Rayna said looking like she was in deep thought. We heard mom call us over the intercom. “We’re bacccck, now come get your slobbering baby,” she said with a laugh.
I didn’t know who hopped up first out of Rayna and I. We’d missed our baby.
“Leyaaaaa,” Rayna cooed at her. She gave her a big smile showing those gums and that peg that’s trying to creep through. Rayna grabbed her and she started giggling while she gave her kisses.
“Hey, daddy girl,” I said, which caused her to start clapping and slobbering even more.
she handed her to me and started talking to my mom about the cookout she wanted to have, she told her to invite whomever she wanted and told my dad to invite families from the job and they both agreed.
“I will do the cooking,” my mom suggested.
“Aww, thanks, ma,” I said, hugging her.
We all sat around the table and ate the food that the chefs prepared, we laughed and talked about everything under the sun. After they left, we gave Ahleya a bath and put her to bed. We took a shower and drifted off to sleep as well.
“Hey, China,” I said, sitting at the lunch table.
“Hey, girl. What you been up to? It’s been a while.”
“Yea, I know. Kenyah is with her dad so I finally got free time.”
“Does he not get her often?”
“Oh yes, he gets her so much that I forget she’s my child, too,” I said, laughing before continuing. “I have just been busy. Just graduated and just got a job as an RN at a hospital, so I was extra busy trying to get everything done for that. Ummm, China
, is there anything you would like to tell me?” I said, looking at her belly with a smile.
She smiled all big. “Well, I’m 4 months pregnant.”
“Awwwww!” I said, clapping and hugging her. “Are you happy?”
“Yes, the situation is just very complicated.”
“What’s wrong?” I asked, genuinely concerned.
“The father of the baby has someone who he really loves so I’m kind of going through this pregnancy alone.”
“Oh noooo. Well tell me when your appointments are and when you go shopping and stuff and I’ll come with you. Nobody should have to go through a pregnancy on their own,” I said, hugging her because I saw her tearing up.
“You’re a good person, Gena.”
“Well, you too, mamas. That’s why I like you,” I said, giving her a reassuring smile.
“Gena, the truth is that this baby is–”
“There’s our food!” I said, accidentally cutting her off. The waiter came over and sat our food down. “Now what were you saying, boo? Sorry for cutting you off.”
“Oh dang, I forgot,” she said.
“Pregnancy brain,” we both said at the same time.
We finished up our lunch, conversed and went our separate ways.
I got a call from Kendrick telling me not to pick Kenyah up yet so I decided to go home. I got in the shower and was enjoying the hot water against my skin until I heard the door to my bathroom open. I instantly froze. It was 10PM and I was here alone. My shower door opened and I instantly heard Kendrick bust out in laughter.
“You were tooooooo scared, dawg.”
“Get the fuck out!” I semi-yelled at him.
“Where is my child?” I said, still uncomfortable that he was looking at me naked after almost 5 months of being separated.
“My mom wanted her for the night.”
“But I miss my baby,” I said, pouting.
“Well, I miss you, and I wanted to come talk to you.”
“Well, first off how do you know where I live?”
“Come on, nie, you know how I do,” he said, stepping in the shower, grabbing my arms and putting them above my head.
I could barely catch my breath. I hadn’t been this close to a man since we broke up. I texted Kay every now and then and I really liked him but I loved Slick. He smelled like he had just gotten out of the shower mixed with a little cologne.
“Ken-Kendrick, what are you doing?” Before I could say anything else, I felt his lips connect with mine. “Don’t do this to me. all you do is play with my emotions then break my fucking heart. You’re everything you said you wouldn’t be!” I said to him with one tear falling from my eye.
He took off his shirt, revealing that sexy body that always made me so weak. Then he took his shorts off and his shoes and socks, until he was in nothing but his underwear.
“Get out, Kendrick,” I said before turning to walk in my room. I could hear him walking behind me so I tried to speed up a little but I was too slow and he backed me into my wall in my room.
“I’m tired of playing these games with you,” he said, pressing himself against me.
“Stop,” I said, breathing hard.
“Why you breathing so hard, Gena? Why yo cheeks so red?” He smirked and put his hands between my legs, causing me to moan. He looked at his hand. “Wet just like I expected. I know you, Gena. Stop acting with me, you want me just as bad as I want you, ma.”
“I’m tired of being hurt,” I said with tears in my eyes.
He kissed me, slipping his tongue in my mouth before laying me down on my bed and spreading my legs. My body tensed up at the feel of his tongue until he started to work it around my clit. I couldn’t contain myself as I started to release my juices everywhere.
“Ohhhhh my goodness.”
“Mmmhmmm, I know you missed me,” he whispered in my ear before sliding into me.
“Ouch,” I said. I hadn’t had sex since Kenyah was born so it hurt, and Kendrick being large didn’t make it any better.
“Just relax, baby.”
Those words made me melt. I really missed him. How can something so wrong feel so right?
“Stop thinking so much, Gena,” he said, looking down at me I put my arms around his neck and enjoyed the wave that was going through my body as my legs started to shake.
“Cum for daddy,” he said in my ear, which caused me to explode. about 10 minutes later he pulled out and came as well. We laid there for a second, analyzing what had just gone down.
“Where do we go from here?” I said out loud.
“You can start by moving back home,” he said quickly.
“Ummm, I don’t think so.”
“Why, man? That’s where you and Kenyah belong.”
“I just don’t think you’ve proved to me that you want us back in the house with you. Yes, you apologized numerous times but you did that last time as well. You got back with me just to break my fucking heart again. You coulda kept all that shit, Kendrick. I’m tired of hurting.”
“Gena, I’m done with that shit, I swear. I don’t like this feeling. I can’t be away from you and Kenyah like this anymore. I need ya’ll.”
I sat and thought about everything he was saying before I began to speak. “I don’t know, Kendrick. Actions speak louder than words and I haven’t seen you DO anything showing me that you’re done with that shit and really want me back forever.”
“Let’s go take a shower and go to bed, and don’t even think about telling me to go home cause I ain’t goin, my nigga.”
“This is gonna be a long ass night,” I said to myself and walked to the bathroom.
“Slick, hurry up or you’re going to make us late for the cookout. I invited my new friend. She’s such a sweetheart.”
“I can’t wait,” he said, faking like he was excited.
“Hate you,” I laughed, putting on the rest of my mascara and lip gloss. “Kenyah is already dressed and taking a nap. /you can get her out of her room and put her in the car while I get my purse and her bag. I also gotta get the bottles out of the fridge that I pumped.”
“I can do that,” he said, heading towards Kenyah’s room.
So Slick and I were trying to get it together. He’d been staying at my condo since we slept together a few nights ago and it felt great to share a bed with him but in the back of my mind, I felt like something else was brewing but I shook it off thinking it was just my mind. I was just trying to be happy. I heard the horn honk, snapping me out of my thoughts. I walked out the door.
“Nigga, who you blowing at?” I said, getting into his Tahoe truck.
“You brung yo ass out here, didn’t you?”
I rolled my eyes at him.
“Exactly what I thought.”
We drove off. China texted me letting me know that she was on her way as well.
“Ahleyaaa, hey auntie/godmommy baby,” I said, grabbing Ahleya while Rayna grabbed Kenyah. “It smells soooooo good, Ray. You know how I feel about food.”
“Bitch the only girl who used to run to lunch every day.” We both started laughing.
“Hey Mrs. Camila and Mr. Mark! The food smells soooooo good!” I said, damn near slobbering.
“The food will be served in about five minutes,” she laughed, kissing Ahleya’s fat cheeks.
“Great!” I said, handing Ahleya to her since she was reaching for her nana anyways. I saw China walk through the back gate “CHINA!!!” I said, running over to her and rubbing her belly. “Come on, let me introduce yo to my baby zaddy.”
She started laughing and I was glad that I could make her smile.
“Yooo–” he said, and cut it short once he saw China.
“Slick, this is my friend China. China, this is Slick.”
“Nice to meet you,” she said, rubbing her belly.
“Yea, you too,” he said and walked off.
“Ummm, I don’t know what’s up with him,” I said, lookin
g at China who looked kinda sad.
Everybody ate and then Slick got up and got everybody’s attention. “Gena, come over here,” he said and I walked over to him. “You know I love you, right?” he said and I nodded. “Well, you know I’m not good with the whole mushy shit but I want you to know that I love the hell outta you and I never want to lose you again. I’ve never met anyone who makes me feel the way you do and…” He got on his knee and I started to cry. “…I want you to be my wife.”
I was at a loss for words.
“Hello?” he said, looking worried.
“YES! Yes, Kendrick!”
“Don’t be calling my government in front of all these people,” he said, chuckling before picking me up and giving me a kiss. “I love you, ma.”
“I love you too, daddy.” We started kissing again, ending with a few pecks. I turned around and let out a squeal, showing off my ring. Everybody clapped for me.
“Yaaaaaa, biiiiitchhhhhhh,” Rayna said in the most ghetto voice she could muster up, which caused me to laugh. I was so happy at this moment, but it was interrupted by China throwing her plate at Slick.
“So you’re gonna get me pregnant and propose to her?” she said in front of everyone.
I looked over at her, then back at him. “So is this the female you were with when you left home for two days?”
He held his head down.
“And you! You conniving bitch, I actually felt sorry for yo trickin ass when you knew who I was the whole time, hoe,” I said, slapping her face.
“Gena! You can’t slap a pregnant woman,” Ace said, holding me back.
“Hell nah, let me go! Her face ain’t pregnant!”
“Get the fuck off my property, bitch. The fuck you sitting here looking stupid for?” I heard Rayna tell China as she walked out of the backyard.
“LET ME GO!” I said as I got loose from Ace and walked up to Slick while taking my ring off. “You can have this shit cause I’m done.” I ran to my car while Rayna, Slick, and Ace ran behind me.
I got in my car and called Kay while driving off. I cried to him and he told me to meet him at his house so he could help me through this. He said I shouldn’t be driving upset like this.